
EFI installation for Ubuntu

EFI is a replacement of the older BIOS. If your motherboard supports EFI, this is how you use it.
I have read a bunch of different guides/howtos, but i thought none of them were easy enough, or they where outdated. Here comes my version...
EFI uses a whole partition (ESP=EFI System Partition) instead of the first 512B at the first sector as MBR does. A partition has to be reserved for that (see below).
First you need a EFI bootable device with your favorite distro on. Use a USB memory, because most (?) CD/DVD readers does not seem to boot the OS into EFI mode, and will therefore not be able to automatically install EFI.

  • Create a bootable USB live "CD".
  • Boot into the live CD (USB).
  • Format the disk with a GPT partition table with for example gparted [screenshot 1].
    (Device -> Create Partition Table... -> GPT)
  • Start installation, create the desired partitions and make one of them the ESP [screenshot 2-3].
    (The EFI partition choice will not appear unless the live CD is booted into EFI mode.)
    The ESP does not necessarily have to be the first one in the partition table.
    I choose a 16MB ESP as the last partition in the table.
  • In the UEFI BIOS settings make sure all EFI bootable devices are ahead of the MBR devices in the boot order [screenshot 4].
    (Otherwise the empty DVD reader can rule out the EFI compatible hd, that you've put after the DVD in the boot order and the boot will stall.)
  • If you want to be able to dualboot with MS Win, then the ESP has to be FAT32. Most linux distros choose FAT16 as default (but handles FAT32), you can either preformat the ESP with FAT32 or covert it to FAT32 later on.

EFI installation for Ubuntu

EFI installation for Ubuntu

EFI installation for Ubuntu

EFI installation for Ubuntu

Source( ubuntu forum)


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